Reminder: Mandatory Compliance Requirements and Resources for Movement of Bulk Citrus

Regulatory Statewide

All commercial citrus growers moving fruit out of its original quarantine zone for packing in a different quarantine zone must submit the required Asian Citrus Psyllid-Free Declaration Form or Huanglongbing Pest Risk Mitigation Form to the county agricultural commissioner’s office of the originating county at least 72 hours in advance of harvest. The grower must also notify the county agricultural commissioner of the receiving county at least 24 hours prior to shipment. Packers are required to notify their local county agricultural commissioner upon receipt of each shipment originating from a different Asian citrus psyllid quarantine zone. These compliance requirements and supporting documentation are mandated by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) for the movement of bulk citrus between different Asian citrus psyllid regional quarantine zones.

The HLB Pest Risk Mitigation Form must be completed for bulk citrus moving from or within an HLB quarantine zone (Zone 6 in the Asian citrus psyllid regional quarantine map).

The notification to the county agricultural commissioner of the receiving county must include:

  1. Receiver name and complete physical destination address.
  2. Date of shipment(s) and estimated date/time of arrival.
  3. Weight or amount of shipment(s) (i.e. number of trucks, number of bins of fruit, etc.).

This requirement for notification to county agricultural commissioners has been in place since January 2017. Previously, growers and packers were asked to notify their regional CDFA ACP office.

For more information about quarantines and compliance, please see the following resources:

Questions regarding requirements for the movement of bulk citrus should be submitted to Keith Okasaki, Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services at or 916-654-0312.

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